Australian soliders accuse Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine

Australian soliders accuse Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine

According to their website, “the Association for the Establishment of the Museum of the Jewish Soldier in World War II, is building the Museum of the Jewish Soldier in World War II, in order to tell the important and neglected chapter in the history of Jewish people, the story of the heroism alongside the Holocaust. It will also show the contribution of Jewish soldiers to the defeat of the Nazi regime and its threat to the very existence of the Jewish people. The museum, in Israel, will be named after the late Chaim Herzog, the sixth president of the State of Israel.” What a wonderful and respectful tribute to the many Jewish soldiers who took up arms and risked their lives to support the allied war effort and defend western democratic nations.

During the course of World War II, 2,936 Jews enlisted in the Australian Army, 846 in the Air-Force and 724 in the Navy. 134 Jewish soldiers fell in the war and 60 were awarded with various decorations and medals of distinction. My maternal grandfather, Isaac (Ozzie) Berenholtz, was one of those who proudly served Australia in World War II and was fortunate to return afterwards to continue his life.

From the comfort and security of the Jewish Community in Carlton, my grandfather enlisted for full-scale Army training and was then transported to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea for active service, as part of the 1st Australia Corp. I have a cherished photo of him in his Australian Army gear, standing in jungle swamp land with other Australian diggers whilst serving there. He met my grandmother in Sydney at a function for returning Jewish soldiers before marrying soon after in Melbourne. I miss them both dearly following their passing many years ago.

I am immensely proud and appreciative of my grandfather’s contribution to the allied war effort. He played his role and did what he could to help keep Australia safe. For this, I will always be grateful. This is why I felt so embarassed, ashamed and outraged when I became aware of a large number of currently serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel who signed an open letter accusing the federal government of complicity in “the genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine”.

Let’s be very clear as to what the term “genocide” actually refers to. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, “genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.” If one considers this definition as a reference point, this means that many Australian soldiers believe that the State of Israel (and Jewish people) are committing such atrocities on the Palestinian people.

As a member of Melbourne’s Jewish Community, this makes me feel concerned about who is actually in our corner currently. We know that our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese likes to have a bet each-way by feeling compelled to refer to islamophobia every time he mentions antisemitism. After all, Albanese is the former secretary of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine so what can we expect from such a staunch, long-term supporter of the Palestinian agenda?

It never ceases to amaze me as to where the next round of anti-Israel sentiment will come from. I certaintly did not expect this to come from sections of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). As a former Australian soldier, my grandfather would turn in his grave at this blatantly antisemitic, biased support for radical Islamic extremism and terrorism. This flies in the face of true Australian patriotism and undermines the Judeo-Christian values which are at the core of our civilised, functional society.

The Australian Newspaper reported this week that “the Chief of the Defence Force Angus Campbell told a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday that uniformed and civilian Defence employees were among more than 2200 public servants who had signed the letter. They said they were still trying to determine how many had done so. The letter also calls for an end to Australian military exports to ­Israel as well as end reconnaissance support from the Pine Gap facility.”

For Australian soldiers to take such a strong, public stand on a conflict of this nature is unprecedented in Australian military history. This is even more significant when one considers the support they are providing for a genocidal regime of barbaric murderers who openly call for the death and destruction of the Jewish people and wiping Israel off the face of the earth. My understanding is that Australian soldiers are obligated to remain impartial and professional in their public comments.

Special note of appreciation to shadow foreign affairs minister Simon Birmingham who raised the issue during Senate Estimates this week. This also highlighted that under Australian Public Service (APS) rules, employees are required to “behave in a way that upholds the APS values,” including in a way which upholds the public’s view that “the APS is apolitical and provides the government with advice that is frank, honest, timely, and based on the best available evidence.” Australian Defence Force Chief Angus Campbell said that “ADF personnel are likewise expected to conduct their duties in a nonpartisan and apolitical manner.”

I have contacted the Australian Monarchist League (AML), to confirm the oath of allegiance that every Australian soldier must take upon commencement. I can confirm that all members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) must swear or affirm allegiance to the King, earlier, of course, to the Queen. The oath currently taken by a member of the navy, army or air force is:

I, (name), swear that I will well and truly serve His Majesty King Charles the Third, His Heirs and Successors according to law, as a member of the (insert Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, or Royal Australian Air Force) … and that I will resist his enemies and faithfully discharge my duty according to law. So help me God. 

With Australian soldiers signing an open public letter that directly condemns the State of Israel, they are breaking / going against this oath of allegiance. This is because of the wording which states that “I will resist his enemies.” Who is the enemy in this current conflict between the State of Israel and Hamas? On one side you have a democratic country within sovereign borders. They are not the enemy of the Australian soldier.

Hamas has been formally recognised by the Australian Government as a global terrorist organisation. Hamas instigated this conflict with the State of Israel on October 7th last year when they invaded sovereign territory and brutally raped and murdered approximately 1,200 Israeli Jewish civilians. Therefore, Hamas are the enemy in this conflict, not the State of Israel. Publicly condemning the State of Israel as an Australian soldier is therefore a breach of their oath and should be sanctioned accordingly.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is set to achieve just 57 per cent of its ­recruiting and retention target in 2024. This is alarming for the future security and safety of Australia. The ADF are reported to be opening their doors to non-citizens joining the ADF in order to boost numbers. How this will play out is anyone’s guess right now.

As a trained mental health professional, I am hoping that certain psychological assessments and personality profiling will be implemented for the recruitment process of anyone planning on joining the Australiam Army in the future. Specifically, to ensure that any individual who represents this great country as an Australian soldier will hold values and beliefs that are consistent with the long-term prosperity and security of our major democratic, western allies internationally including the State of Israel.


14 thoughts on “Australian soliders accuse Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine”

  1. Does this open letter also contravien the ADF (and Government employees) Conditions of Empoyment, in as far as challenging or commenting against the government of the day (their employer)?

    Well written piece – thanks!

  2. John Grimwade

    How disgraceful that our armed forces can openly and so blatantly make this uneducated comment.
    It is an open support for what is a terrorist group.
    You all need to hang your heads in shame and issue an apology to the Jewish people of this country.

  3. Lioudmila Levina

    It is a new low. Especially considering the lack of young people wishing to serve their country.

  4. Peter Sherman

    How does one verify a signatory to this ‘letter’ is actually an ADF member? Otherwise it may well be a bunch of nose-ringed sophomorons at one of our so-called universities, signing online petitions under pretend names and roles.

    Perhaps cosplaying as hamasnik isn’t thrilling enough for these moonbats.

  5. They have incriminated themselves on a national level by breaking their oath of allegiance, but they have also incriminated themselves, Australia, and the Australian army on an international level:
    Given that western army chiefs and military ethicists acclaim the IDF as the top protector of enemy civilians during asymmetric warfare, if Israel’s actions are ruled to be war-crimes/genocide then every other army in the world must automatically also be guilty of war-crimes/genocide.

  6. Paul Anthony Hurley

    As an ex-server man I am disgusted by this outrage and they need to be brought up on a charge.

  7. This is typical of Australian culture. I support their right to speak publicly about their views as I need to know the precise misguided mentality I am surrounded by here in Australia. We are dealing with a culture that has no respect for intelligence and an army that cannot see past the surface of any situation. Thank you for your public condemnation – because now I have confirmation of what a bunch of superficial lazy thinkers you all are!

  8. “What a wonderful and respectful tribute, to the many Jewish soldiers who took up arms and risked their lives to support the allied war effort and defend western democratic nations.” ~~~~~~ This put me in mind of comments made very recently by Federal Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, when he delineated the very important role which Israeli Military Intelligence played, assisting our army in Afghanistan and Iraq. He said that a great many more Australian service men and women would have died up there but for this critical intelligence from our valued military ally, Israel. The Israelis were surely supporting the Allied war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus defending the values of democratic nations.

  9. “embarrassed, ashamed and outraged when I became aware of a large number of currently serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel, who signed an open letter accusing the federal government of complicity in “the genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine”.

    One has to wonder if Australia has seen quite enough of letters of employee demand, applications of employee demand etc, to higher authorities: half the ABC’s employees lobbying management to be allowed to use the terms genocide, ethnic cleansers and apartheiders/apartheid in their journalism; half the staff of the Melbourne Age newspaper doing the same because they “were doing the morally right thing and on the morally correct path, vis-à-vis evil and destructive Zionism.”

    All this was breathtaking and historic enough. Yet now, also those in service in the Australian Army!! What nook and cranny, does the chic anti-Israel and anti-Zionist rhetoric not penetrate? Surely the easily gulled in the Army, have not been watching the [Gaza War] comments of world military experts at Royal Military Sandhurst, UK; Colonel Richard Kemp, ex head of British Military Intelligence; Professor John Spencer of Westpoint Military College up the Hudson and our own eminent military historian, David Kilcullen of Canberra?

  10. “After all, Albanese is the former secretary of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine so what can we expect from such a staunch, long-term supporter of the Palestinian agenda?” ~~~ Yes, once upon a pineapple, our PM Albo was quite fervently for the “Palestinian” cause but perhaps felt back then, that his political future depended upon staying on the right side of certain others in the Federal Labor party? So he just fell in line with the anti-Israel sentiments of a certain faction in the party? At any rate, some of the content of speeches he made in our federal parliament about “the Demon, settler colonialist, ethnic cleansing, apartheiding” Israeli government of the day – well, surely he now wishes that those sentiments had never been video recorded? Plus he surely wasn’t aware that the Australian Jewish community, like elephants, Arabian horses and outback cockies [farmers], has a very long memory!!

  11. “the Chief of the Defence Force Angus Campbell told a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday, that uniformed and civilian Defence employees were among more than 2200 public servants who had signed the letter.”

    We knew that 1800 silly and beguiled nincompoop public servants, had signed a letter of anguished demand/passionate self-expression, re. the Gazan War, sent to the head of the Public service in Canberra. So this number has now swelled to 2200 and some of them it is now being revealed, are servicemen and women.

    One is struck by the fact that the soldiers and others employed in Civil Defence, did not lobby General Campbell but instead hitched their wagons to what they thought was the ascending star of the public service lobby against Israel. This was because they felt they would make a better showing if they cobbled themselves to the public servants’ effort, like a rattling red caboose?

    How is this not utterly pathetic and very besmirching to the prestige of our Australian Army? What were they thinking? My father was 12 years in the army after jackarooing [military intelligence] and I can’t imagine what he would have thought of it. Nothing good! So are the soldiers who have engaged in this insubordination and Fifth Columning, within their own country, going to get away with what they have so improvidently done?

  12. Who is this reporter I don’t believe this story. No way the ADF could support the terrorists! I don’t believe it! Fake news I think!

    1. Hi Pearl, this has been widely reported by a broad range of media platforms and is 100% real. I am not insinuating that the entire ADF are behind this. Rather, this is a proportion of the ADF who have signed this letter. Do your research – it’s out there.

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