Each-way Albo disappoints Jewish community yet again

Each-way Albo disappoints Jewish community yet again

It has been well documented that the St Kilda office of Macnamara MP Josh Burns was vandalised, fire bombed and attacked earlier this week. A picture of Mr Burns was defaced with horns and the words “Zionism is Fascism”. This was for one reason only – because Mr Burns is Jewish and represents a large Jewish constituent within his electorate. If this is not a deliberate act of antisemitism then I don’t know what is.

Burns is not alone when it comes to Marxist destruction. Labor MPs Peter Khalil and Daniel Mulino and the offices of Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus have also been damaged by vandals.

Predictably, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese offered a lukewarm, measured response. The best that each-way Albo could dish up was that “we’ve got to dial this down. The people who were responsible for this attack should face the full force of the law. It is very distressing for Josh and for his staff.”

No mention of this being a focused and targeted attack on Mr Burns because he is Jewish, let alone any mention of the dangerous escalation of antisemitism in Melbourne that is being fueled and driven by the Jewish people’s biggest threat, Adam Bandt and the Australian Greens.

The Australian Newspaper’s Brendan O’Neil reported in February that NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong spoke at a Pro-Palestine Forum in Sydney accusing the “Jewish lobby” of “rocking up to every community event and meeting to try to make a connection.”

Leong implied that the Jews meddle in everything, because they want their tentacles to reach into every nook of society in order that they might influence power. O’Neill commented on this, saying “there it was. Tentacles. The old, obscene vision of the Jewish people as an octopus-like monstrosity straddling the world, interfering everywhere. This is the most racist thing I have heard a mainstream politician say.” 

If there is a single Jew in Australia that could actually vote for the Australian Greens after reading this, one has to question their sanity and sense of reality.

What was Albanese’s response to these comments by Leong? The Prime Minister is pathologically incapable of condemning antisemitism without mentioning islamophobia in the same sentence. “Just as I condemn forms of that, I have seen Islamophobic comments and behaviour as well” said the Prime Minister. Astounding unless you consider his lifelong support for the Palestinian cause.

Let’s look at the facts. I am yet to find one example of where Muslim communities in Australia have been deliberately targeted, abused or threatened by Jews or anyone for that matter since the mass murder of Israeli’s by Hamas on October 7th last year.

If public comments by an elected member of federal parliament that are so blatantly vile and antisemitic can’t be unequivocally condemned by our Prime Minister without mentioning islamophobia in the same sentence, what hope does the Jewish community have when Josh Burns’ electoral office is destroyed by the very people that Jenny Leong was representing with such horrific remarks back in February.


5 thoughts on “Each-way Albo disappoints Jewish community yet again”

  1. Is it time yet to demonstrate against Labor across Australia, especially seat of Albo, and Greens across Australia. How often does one have to say this. Let’s stop winging, expecting others to fight our fight and start real action.

  2. As we recall, PM Albo was once the Secretary of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine and has demonstrably in the past, preached about the “violently repressive practices of the Israeli Army and the Israeli government.”

    One can be told “oh well, it is not as bad as Jeremy Corbyn in the UK. As a Labour UK member of parliament, Corbyn was a paid up member of the PLO right up to a couple of years before he was clapped right down on by Labour. Corbyn only cancelled his PLO membership, when he realised just how damaging politically it was likely going to be, in Britain. His Labour, Socialist and Marxist colleagues within British politics, had to beg him for months to renounce his devotion to the PLO and the memory of PLO chairman Arafat.”

    Videotape footage has surfaced of a much younger PM-to-be Albo, having substantial rants in Australian parliamentary speeches, about the evils of the State of Israel. There is a photo of him with a Labor Australian delegation, being very chummy with chairman Arafat and some of his stooges, over in Ramallah on the West Bank/Judea Samaria, back in the day.

    As it is well established that leopards never change their spots, none of this inspires confidence in our current PM. He does seem to be making efforts to be more even handed today, having seen the work of the Hamas in Gaza and now Hezbollah up in southern Lebanon.

    Ex PM Julia Gillard, has been more circumspect, saying that our current pro-Hamas protestors need to get a better grip on modern Israeli history, before they lash themselves to the bitterly anti-Israel mast.


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