Hamas billionaires line their pockets as Gaza’s Palestinians starve to death

Hamas billionaires line their pockets as Gaza’s Palestinians starve to death

‘While Gazans are deprived of basic needs, Hamas uses aid and funds to line their own pockets” according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

The FDD is a Washington DC based nonpartisan research institute focusing on national security and foreign policy. They released a report on 24th January 2024 called “Cut funding to organisations that are empowering Hamas.” This report states that billions of American taxpayer dollars are being sent to international organisations enabling Hamas terrorism. They believe that it’s time for Washington to withhold contributions to agencies that actively subsidise, enable or defend the evil that the world witnessed (and in some countries deny) on October 7th 2023, by Hamas.

According to the FDD, “The U.S. sends billions of dollars to the United Nations (UN) every year and hundreds of millions more to the International Committee of the Red Cross. Are we getting our money’s worth? Hamas certainly is. Part of the core problem here, of course, is that neither the UN nor the Red Cross officially recognises Hamas as a terrorist group. Nor do they put that label on Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. That’s a fundamental challenge that inevitably leads to the U.S. indirectly funding terrorism through the UN.” 

The FDD go to great lengths to call out Qatar’s role in building the long-term financial success and prosperity of Hamas, reporting that Qatar provides Hamas with between $120 million and $480 million USD per year. To make matters worse, it’s a well known fact that the leaders of Hamas, those who sit right at the top of the tree, are living a life of luxury in Qatar, having amassed abundant personal wealth as a result of American and global funding to the morally bankrupt and fraudulent Palestinian cause, via international aid mechanisms. Clearly, these Hamas leaders are pocketing the majority of such funds at the direct expense of the Palestinian people who languish in squalor without basic necessities as a direct result. They simply don’t care.

Let’s be clear, the abject poverty and horrific living conditions for Palestinian people in Gaza existed long before any Israeli ground invitation following the genocidal atrocities committed by Hamas to Jewish people on Israeli soil, on October 7th 2023. The billionaire leaders of Hamas have been committing human rights vialotions themselves for decades, by denying their own people of basic human necessities to stay alive and with some semblance of dignity.

The New York Post have reported that “while their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering total of $11 billion (USD) and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as it hosts a vast American military presence. Hamas runs an office in Qatar’s capital, Doha, and leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal maintain a luxurious lifestyle.”

According to former Mossad agent Uzi Shaya, “A significant portion of their budget stays with the heads of Hamas, their terrorists and all their families.” The Daily Telegraph have reported that “the terror group’s former Chairman Khaled Mashal is alone believed to be worth an estimated $4 billion USD with Arab Media listing his extensive portfolio including banks in Egypt and real estate projects in the Arabian Gulf countries, while himself living in Qatar.”

BBC News has shone a light on the current head of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, who is also living in Qatar, and is said to be worth $4 billion USD. Haniyeh is enjoying a safe, comfortable life of opulence and luxury, well away from the poverty of his brethren in Gaza. The UK’s Daily Mail, reports that “one of Haniyeh’s sons, Maaz, who is a very wealthy real estate mogul in his own right, is known on the Gaza Strip as the ‘father of houses’. When he’s in Turkey, he is often seen in the company of attractive women and alcohol, despite his Islamic faith.” 

One could argue that Australia are not much better than Qatar, given that this debacle has been allowed to continue under the Albanese Labor Government here in Australia as well. This is evidenced by Australia’s recent vote at the UN in favour of upgrading Palestine’s rights at the United Nations as an observer State and breaking away from decades of unequivocal Australian support for Israel. Shameful acts, led by our esteemed Foreign Minister, Penny Wong.

These wealthy Hamas leaders could singlehandedly lift the Palestinian people out of their misery if they chose to dip into their pockets and offer a portion of what they have illegally stolen from international aid efforts. They choose not to. They are making this choice out of their own hypocritical, selfish needs. It’s sickening when you think about.

It comes as no surprise that the rabid, venomous pro-Palestine protests and encampments across Australia make absolutely no mention of such inconvenient facts. Not a word of this is muttered by the likes of blinkered, anti-Israel politicians such Adam Bandt, David Shoebridge or Lidia Thorpe. This would destroy their argument instantly as it would require the finger to be pointed directly at Hamas leadership for creating such a mess to begin with.

There are many student protesters here in Australia that have offered unquivocal support of Hamas when interviewed on ABC radio. News.com.au reported yesterday that “Student organisers of an anti-Israel protest camp at the Australian National University have declared that Hamas ‘deserve our unconditional support’ while saying they ‘do not condemn’ the October 7 terror attacks.” Turning a blind eye to the source of the problem whereby Hamas genocide against Jewish people instigated this conflict, coflated by Hamas billionaire leaders withholding funds for their own people is convenient and antisemitic, to put it mildly.

Rather than holding these Hamas billionaires responsible for instigating this conflict and for the poverty-stricken plight of the Palestinian people, it’s much easier to place the blame on Israel and the Jewish people. As a Jew, I am all too familiar with the historic narrative that the Jews are responsible and that Israel don’t have a moral imperative to defend their safety, security and sovereignty at all costs against genocidal terror caused by barbaric fanatics like Hamas.


3 thoughts on “Hamas billionaires line their pockets as Gaza’s Palestinians starve to death”

  1. This is the truth. Trying to get Australians to acknowledge it is the illustration of pushing the proverbial uphill. We have become deceived by Hamas’ message (not me, and not my family). The
    BDSers and their ilk think they are on the right track; they are not. People refuse to see and hear the truth. How do we make them see the truth? We can’t force it down their throats; they must see it for themselves.

    I wish that some of the footage was available for viewing by these useful idiots; if it was, they would change their tune. But sadly, it’s the way of the world to call our enemies our friends as we are deluded, and let prophecy be fulfilled .

  2. We do recall reading recently, that the 3 top Hamas chaps in Qatar are worth $5 billion USA, apiece. One of them was assassinated recently by the IDF, we seem to recall. In contrast, Yahyah Sinwar, the boss of the Hamas in Gaza, is said to be worth just a modest $1.5 million USA. It appears, that the further away you are from Gaza City, if you are an Egypto-Arab Gazan, the richer you are likely to be, most especially if you are holed up in Qatar, a government which is heftily financing the Hamas, in this current FOURTH Hamas war against the Israelis since 2009.

  3. “..the leaders of Hamas, those who sit right at the top of the tree, are living a life of luxury in Qatar, having amassed abundant personal wealth as a result of American and global funding to the morally bankrupt and fraudulent Palestinian cause, via international aid mechanisms.” ~~ It has been posited that 80% of the fortunes of the top 3 Hamas chaps in Qatar, those who rarely sully their hands by going up to Gaza, is due to colossal profits from smuggling just about everything through Egypt into Gaza. It has allegedly garnered hundreds of millions for each of them, over many years.

    Let us not forget that Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the PLO, whose mantle eventually moved to Mahmoud Abbas of the PA, who was then supplanted in Gaza by the Hamas in 2007, left his widow US$5 billion, so that she might be maintained in the style to which she had been accustomed when he lived. It was Arafat’s father who founded the Ikhwan, the Gazan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1930s, when Arafat was about 11. The Muslim Brotherhood begot the Hamas, around 1986: 30 years after Nasser outlawed it in Egypt.

    One had the impression vis-a-vis smuggling into Gaza, from Egypt, that it surely must have slowed when the Egyptians had a crack at flooding terror tunnels into Gaza and after they erected on their border with Gaza, an underground concrete structure 14 foot deep by 12 foot wide, “to make tunnels impossible.” Plus very recently, they put a metre of two coils of razor wire, on top of the 12 foot tall fence they erected on top of the underground barrier.

    Or so we thought, it must have slowed! Now we find that Rafah, as the IDF has long known, is riddled with broad tunnels from Rafah, Gaza, into Egypt. It is possible that the eagerness of numerous parties to stop the Israel battle front from moving through Rafah, is to do with the propaganda catastrophe possibly coming to the Egyptian corner of Arabdom, when the sheer number of these tunnels into Gaza from Egypt, are laid bare. These tunnels and what they contain [eg. the al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas], will help hugely to legitimise the Israelis’ operation in Rafah, as long as they adequately evacuate the extant refugees, one million of whom have already moved out of Rafah.


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