PM Albanese refuses to expel Muslim Senator Payman for anti-Israel extremism

PM Albanese refuses to expel Muslim Senator Payman for anti-Israel extremism

It has been widely reported in the media that yesterday, Fatima Payman, a Labor senator from Western Australia, has become the first member in nearly two decades to vote against the party after crossing the floor to vote for a Greens motion to recognise Palestinian statehood. Thankfully, the motion was voted down. However, this doesn’t take away from the tidal wave of anti-Israel senitment and genuine belief that Israel is a genocidal regime, which is erupting across the Australian Labor Party in Canberra right now.

Labor’s website describes Senator Payman as “an Australian Muslim with cultural roots from Afghanistan.” Born in Kabul, she is also the first federal Labor parliamentarian to break ranks by publicly describing what is happening in Gaza as a genocide. Last month, Senator Payman described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “a genocide and we need to stop pretending otherwise. The lack of clarity, the moral confusion, the indecisiveness is eating at the heart of this nation.” 

Directly addressing her Labor colleague Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Senator Payman said “I ask our prime minister and our fellow parliamentarians, how many international rights laws must Israel break for us to say enough? What is the magic number? How many mass graves need to be uncovered before we say enough? How many images of bloody limbs of murdered children must we see?”

Senator Payman ended her speech by repeating the phrase: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” which the Australian Jewish Community considers to be a direct call for the destruction and obliteration of the State of Israel. This is the same goal of recognised terrorist organisation Hamas, by the way.

The federal opposition under Liberal leader Peter Dutton called for Albanese to demand the backbencher apologise for making such a statement. Of course, this never happened. Judge our Prime Minister by his concrete actions, not his wishy washy words or moral equivalence about antisemitism and islamophobia in every statement he makes on the current conflict.

In case you have some doubt about just how extreme Senator Payman’s views are when it comes to Jewish people and the State of Israel, here are some direct quotes from her social media account:

  • By recognising a Palestinian state, Australia would be affirming its commitment to the universal principle of self determination and frustrate Israel’s bid to crush such aspirations of the Palestinians.
  • Videos are coming out of Rafah today with beheaded babies. This is deplorable. We must demand an end to this genocide, stop all trade, divest and recognise a Palestinian state
  • Israel’s genocide of Palestinian children does not move the bigots. Speaking out against the genocide does.

Until the Prime Minister unequivocally rules out all elements of anti-Israel extremism within the Federal Labor Party, how can anyone possibly believe that he is in any way supportive of the Australian Jewish Community and the State of Israel. With friends like Albanese, who needs enemies?

Sadly, there are some extreme left-wing organisations such as the Jewish Council of Australia (JCA), claiming to represent our Jewish Community that proactively support and defend Senator Payman. “The Jewish Council of Australia sends Fatima Payman a big mazel tov (expression of congratulations) for her courage in breaking with the party line and strongly speaking out against Israel’s genocide,” executive officer Max Kaiser told SBS News in a statement. Mazel tov to Senator Payman? That is just wrong and unhelpful on so many levels.

It almost beggars belief that any Jewish communal organisation can offer such overt public support for anti-Israel extremists, especially those representing us in Canberra. Make up your own mind as to which side of the fence the JCA sits on, and if they are an organisation that are helping or hindering the over 700% rise in antisemitism since the mass murder of Israeli Jews by terroritst organisation Hamas on October 7th last year. Their proud support and association with the likes of Labor Senator Payman tell me everything I need to know.

10 thoughts on “PM Albanese refuses to expel Muslim Senator Payman for anti-Israel extremism”

  1. Well said. She also said yesterday that she lives by the values her father taught her. We all know they are taught to hate Jews from birth. I cannot say we were raised to hate Germans or Arabs. There lies the difference. Golda Meir was spot on, when they learn to love their children more than they hate Jews will peace be achievable. If a genocide was in fact happening, they would have agreed to a ceasefire. They would have accepted peace, but that is not what they want. Just 1 big piece. Nasser Mashni was on 3AW this morning. He told Tom Elliot their Palestine is the entire land of Israel, no 2 state solution. Fatima stands by the same.

    1. Maree Whitton

      I agree with you 100%. Payman is not even a Gazan, she is a Muslim from Afghanistan, where she would not be able to speak out for herself because she is a female, she would also be treated the same in Gaza.

  2. ‘Everyone here is “fed up” of the war but not with Hamas. Local Terrorist sympathisers have sickened us.’

  3. ‘Tis a pity that Ms Payman has forgotten why she came here to Western Australia from Afghanistan, very strange indeed. Was it by boat? You’d think the penny might have dropped. This is compounded with the unfortunate lack of critical historical perspective. Perhaps if the Fascists had won WW2, along with coloniser Turkey, she wouldn’t be here, nor would we, but the Japanese would certainly be. The threat has slowly crept up on we carefree Australians, that the pious and pure Islamist wants to teach us a lesson about God, our liberal democratic western values; call everyone a colonist; attack Jews and infiltrate the three tier democratic system here. They have started with Israel and surfacing here there and everywhere, especially the universities (international law). Standing with Israel. I won’t be told what to do by some stale 7th Century male in Iran.

  4. “He told Tom Elliot their Palestine is the entire land of Israel, no 2 state solution”. ~~~ Yes it is good to see this finally out in the open. We notice increasing imagess of the Pro-“Palestine” crew, wearing gold or silver pendants of the entire state of Israel. Saw one a couple of days ago and we think it was on Senator Payman.

  5. You would think that someone who fled the Taliban would be advocating for anyone opposed to Taliban style rules, which Hamas are very much in line with.

  6. Natalie Knoll

    Sick to death of these pseudo Jewish organisations like the Jewish Council of Australia putting out statements to news agencies as if the represent us. And they are being quoted? These “as a Jews” would have been slaughtered “as Jews” on October 7 too!

  7. Cheryl Symons

    Most sane people see what is happening in this country as a smaller version of Israels persecution by terrorists ..
    The fact we have no strong leadership is a major problem

  8. Stephen Tierney

    If I was to say something that “may” be regarded as being offensive, I would immediately be accused of “Islamophobia” and charged for it.

    Yet this woman can proudly spew out her malicious lies and antisemitic hatred and this is considered “acceptable” and “her right.”

    I am a Bible believing Christian, and I stand in support (and always will) of the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱 and their legitimate right to defend themselves against all those who would try to attack them.

    I do NOT recognise the land of “Palestine”; there NEVER has been, and never will be, a so-called nation of “Palestine.”

    God promised this land to Abraham, to be fulfilled through the descendants of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, as an eternal homeland to them – and God will never let anyone take this land away from the Jewish people.

    Praying for God’s Protection on the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🙏🙏🙏

  9. Angela McAdam

    When I saw the carnage on october 7th, and we havent seen all the footage of that day, why would I believe anything that young woman says…I’m not Jewish, but Ive seen footage of the war in Nazi Germany.

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