Pro-Palestinian movement turns violent in Melbourne

Pro-Palestinian movement turns violent in Melbourne

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did.

Areas surrounding the Land Forces 24 conference in the Melbourne CBD is where the madness occurred. The purpose of the conference was for international military suppliers, including Israel, to showcase the latest technologies and solutions which could benefit Australia’s strategic capacity to defend themselves. Sounds like a pretty good idea, right?

Organised by Marxist group Disrupt Land Forces, the pro-Palestinian movement took it up a notch over the last week, as this conference took place nearby.

The Australian reported that “the decision to adopt violent protest tactics was a sharp shift from the past 11 months. The protest leaders have sharply raised the temperature on the Middle East in what is Australia’s protest capital. Throwing acid, tearing down security walls, hurling stones and horse manure at police and their horses triggered the firmest anti-riot response in years.”

Bizarrely, deliberate acts of animal abuse were also witnessed. SBS news reported that “Victoria Police arrested five men and seized bottles of red paint, marbles and bags of small rocks used to create obstacles for the police horses.”

Make no mistake. The 2000 or so people who marched were united under the banner of supporting Gaza. Their approach, driven by extreme left-wing socialists, depended primarily on violent resistance.

Many Greens MP’s, including Gabrielle de Vietri, missed a session of parliament to attend the protest. Greens Senator David Shoebridge flew to Melbourne to show solidarity with the movement as well.

Unsurprisingly, Shoebridge refused to condemn the violence of the protesters. Instead, he blamed Victoria Police for their heavy handedness. Shoebridge is a leading cheerleader when it comes to this anti-Israel obsession by the Greens.

Unfortunately, there is no end in sight when it comes to the groundswell of support across Australia for the pro-Palestinian movement. Labor and the Greens pander to their interests because they are petrified of losing the Muslim vote at the next federal election.

With such anger, depravity, aggression and violence exhibited by protesters and supported by the Greens who are brainwashing young Australians, it makes sense that many in Melbourne’s Jewish community are anxious about what may follow in the weeks to come.

The only way out of this situation is to vote for centre-right political parties who are much more supportive of the Jewish Community here in Australia, as well as Israel on the international stage.

Look at how unequivocally supportive politicians like Peter Dutton, Simon Birmingham and Pauline Hanson have been towards the Jewish Community when it comes to Israel’s conflict with Hamas.

This will give you a true sense of who is on our side and who is not.

The proof is in the pudding. Use your vote wisely.




9 thoughts on “Pro-Palestinian movement turns violent in Melbourne”

  1. It’s well past the time that the public have to stand up and be heard. Our politicians and police forces are not taking the opportunity to severely inhibit these events.
    I spent a year in the Philippines and if I attended any political event or rally I would be arrested and deported. That’s even saying and doing nothing. It’s time these people were arrested and deported. Born here? Bad luck your descended from Iran or wherever do out you go. Homeless somewhere? Bad luck your fault accept the consequences.
    Time to get tough and fish out fitting consequences of what is antisemitism, supporting terror groups and being a public nuisance. Goodbye, enjoy your flight home!!

  2. thank you for this.
    I just don’t get our governments – both National and State.
    A very simple thing they could do just for starters was to make it illegal for anyone in public to be masked….

  3. We knew that the cops had confiscated at least one bag of marbles, before they got to be used. They definitely got to throw marbles on the ground near the police horses? We did read in the Oz, that they sprayed irritants up the nostrils of the horses and tried to spray it under their visors, to harm the horses’ eyes. Plus the mounted police, some of whom were women, had skin irritation from what was sprayed on them or chucked at them. A horse who is marble-attacked can lose its footing, especially if it is under a rider and break a leg as it is cast [brought crashing to the ground] There is also a good chance that the rider or someone immediately adjacent, can be crushed to death, a very nasty way to die, by 450 to 500 kilos of horse coming down on them. It really is attempted homicide, on the part of the offender and deserves a year in gaol, without parole.

    This may be something that the Pallie chieftains in Victoria and their Chief Octopus up in Sydney, have neglected to tell their well-groomed acolytes: that marble or ball bearing-attacking a horse can lead to a fatal outcome and not just for the horse. Also banging up and down on the bars of a horse [gums] with the bit, by bouncing the bridle up and down, is a good way to cause a horse to rear. It can go right up on its hinds, then collapse backwards and need to be euthed because of a broken back and ribs, or collapse back on top of its rider: fatally for the rider.. Unlikely here, cos our police horses are very, Very well trained [world class] but still possible. There should be 6 solid months in gaol for this offence and the same for putting crap up a horse’s nostrils or trying to shove it under the visor to damage their vision. I can see, that we need to mount an equestre lobby to the Vic govt and Vic police about this.

    Politically I can’t see these activities bringing the Pallie and Green movements any joy because bottom line, is Aussies don’t appreciate moronicity in general, especially when it comes to horses and particularly in rural Australia, where cretinous human behaviour commonly leads to death.

    Lizzie [British Horse Society, Level Two Associate]


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